Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Okay, I had no intention of blogging tonight because I have about eleventy other things I ought to be doing but I just have to share my deep thoughts (ha ha). I follow a blog titled "A Dress a Day." Yesterday's entry was about pockets and it got me thinking. They say you can tell a lot about a person by what they . . . have in their closet, throw away, drive . .. I propose you can tell a lot about a person by what they have in their pockets at the end of the day. Today, when I got home from work I had a pretty typical assortment of items in my pocket. There was my I-touch in one pocket and my cell phone in the other, 2 quarters, car keys, a ring of picture cues I use for non-verbal prompts, an Alleve tablet, and a stray wad of brown paper towel, the kind used in school towel dispensers. Now I don't walk around for long with that much stuff in my pockets but they tend to collect things all day long. We had conferences last night so I wore a pair of dress slacks that didn't have any pockets and was nearly crazy by the end of the day from picking stuff up and laying it down somewhere and then spending 10 minutes searching for it because I didn't have a pocket to put it in! Today I taught in the Kindergarten room. At various times during the day today one might have found in my pockets the following items: a "chewie" to keep David (not his name) from eating non-food things like string he pulled from his sweater, a dry erase marker for writing lessons, ball point pen for data collection (now where was that clipboard?), flash drive for ALL that info I just think I can't live without. What I didn't have today was the ever present keychain with keys to the 3 classrooms I have been working in this year so far. Those I left on the table in the basement when I relaxed by the fire with my hubby on Monday. This meant that all 3 of those classrooms had to stay back locked and every time we left them we got locked out and had to go get someone to let us in - What a pain! Ah well, tomorrow is another day.

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