Okay, I love snow. I love how quiet the house gets in the middle of the night when it is snowing and the power goes out and the TV shuts off and my husband can't just turn it back on again. I love the way it hides all of the brown left over from the color-burst of autumn. I love the way it sticks to feet and mittens and hands and gives you an excuse to really enjoy being warm inside your clothes or your house. I love the way it smells - like all the odor in the world has taken a holiday. I really love snow days, too, but we didn't get one today. School was in session. Kids are great on snowy days at school. They get louder and rosier and walk faster. You almost NEVER hear a kid groan and say "Oh no! It's snowing." Here are a few of my favorite snow memories.
The first winter after my sister and I left Bountiful where we lived with my father and moved to Lake Tahoe to live with my mother we had one snow storm that dumped so much snow on us that the 1st floor windows were covered with snow. I still remember how eerie it was to open the curtains and see nothing but snow. That same winter the snow got so deep that we could step off of the second floor balcony onto the snow in our back yard. There were actually people who could not find their cars.
I remember taking Anna and Brenda sledding in Winnemucca, the time Brenda and her friend Amber launched themselves off a jump. Amber didn't want to play anymore after that. Go figure. Brenda was game though! I wonder if she remembers it?
I remember skiing at Alta with my kids and my new husband and his brother who came to visit from Taiwan! The kids were so impressed to see Monte flying down the hills with icicles dangling from the ends of his mustache.
Once, I walked to the bus stop in Sandy, UT to catch a bus to the UofU. The bus was late, got as far as Sugar House and then slid off the road and could not be moved. We all got a transfer and an offer to catch the next bus that came along. Some of us decided we'd rather go to lunch - and did. No classes that day. I found out later that the teacher had not shown up either. She was stuck in the snow.
Now, I have to go drive home in it. That's okay, too.
Local woman finishes last summer dress of 2024
6 months ago
I'm sorry Ashley had a snow day today with Seminary, Mike took the Explorer last night to work and I didn't dare take the car, I'd be like the teacher in your story that ended up in the ditch!
Good idea to post your snow memories. I might borrow that idea for a post someday...if I could ever come up with positive memories of the white stuff! ;-) Much as I try, I just don't think I was born and bred for these Minnesota winters!
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