Don't get excited, this is not a post relating a heart wrenching love story. This is my own personal ramblings. I have a little notebook that I keep in my purse. Whenever I have a few minutes I pull it out and write down random thoughts, experiences, memories and then I decide later if I want to take the time to expand those ramblings. Here are some things from my notebook in the past few days.
Thanksgiving - We went to Paul's house and I decided that Monte's family is much easier to get along with than some families who shall remain nameless. (Don't assume I mean you!) Paul and his wife, Peggy, and their children and numerous cats have rented an old farmhouse complete with a barn for the cats. It's a wonderful place.
The Gingerbread Party - the day after Thanksgiving I had my nieces and nephews and grand nieces and nephews at my house for a gingerbread house decorating party. I have many pictures and will be adding a more comprehensive blog about that some time when I am not just sitting in my office waiting for all of the buses to pull out of the school parking lot so I can go home.
The Sabbath following Thanksgiving - I wrote 5 pages during sacrament meeting (yes, I was listening to the speakers) about the terrific people in my life. This is another topic I really want to explore in more depth maybe in this blog, but certainly in a format for my children to read sometime. I'd like them to know that I realize how blessed I am.
Then Work, Work, Work - Progress reports were due Friday at one school and today at the other. Special ed progress reports are different than report cards so, despite the fact that I (maybe) have fewer to write each one can range from 1 to 3 full typed pages. Also, Seminary, Seminary, Seminary.
Friday we went and saw "Twilight", Hmm. I liked the book and the movie was fairly true to the book. Not exactly on a level with "The Notebook". There was a gaggle of adolescent girls with a couple of mom-types in the bathroom afterward going on and on about what a great movie it was. I guess I missed that. Monte was a good sport about it but his only comment was "weird". Nevertheless, when the other books are made into movies I'll go see them. I'm a sucker for the big screen and the big popcorn bucket!
Saturday - I had Katie and Stacy come for a sewing lesson. Oh my goodness, I had fun. They are so excited to learn and didn't groan or anything when I made them take notes and review fiber content of thread. They must either be really polite or kindred spirits in the sewing room.
Saturday Eve - We had our YM's Leadership Christmas party - My husband is a good cook. LOTS of work even though we tried hard to make it simpler this year. The work was more than worth it because it is all about actually spending quality time with people who work hard all year on behalf of the young men in our ward. They deserve any and all perks we can show them. Besides it is just fun to have adults sitting around my table visiting. (Monte and I don't really count as adults - ask our kids)
Monday Blahs - one high point. I was teaching a lesson in a 3rd grade classroom on respect that went like this.
Me: Okay, how do we show respect for what our teachers are teaching us?
Student: We shut up?
Me: Well, being quiet is a beginning what else could we do?
Another student: Keep our mouths closed? (I'm sensing a trend)
Me: Okay, but what do we do with our ears?
Yet another student: Wear earrings? (Do you think I'm losing them?)
Well, the buses are gone and I'm scheduled for another sewing lesson - Woo Hoo! Have a great one!
Local woman finishes last summer dress of 2024
6 months ago
1 comment:
We had a great time on Saturday, THANK YOU!! I know it involes a lot of hard work, Mike and I both really look forward to this dinner every year to be able to have great company and great food!!
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