Our Christmas trip to Utah was a complete blast!
Tuesday - We got into Salt Lake just as it started to snow, went out to lunch and went Christmas shopping. I'm not sure I've ever been shopping on the day before Christmas Eve in any city other than Salt Lake City, but let me assure you it is not really indicative of the "joyous season". There were NO parking spots anywhere and at least 2 cars in front of you waiting for a car to pull out. For weeks we have been hearing about how depressed the economy is and how merchants are so concerned that people are not shopping. What, exactly, were all these crazed people doing there, then? Anyway, once we got a parking place and trekked a mile through slushy snow the battle was half over. People didn't look like they were having fun! In the end, however, it wasn't a big surprise that people were rushed and cranky so we persevered and got the shopping finished. (Sort of) We even laughed a little about the slush and grumpy people. You may be asking why we waited so long. That's a reasonable question and I'll tell you. Did you know that it costs money to check even one suitcase on an airplane? Our 3 small bags cost a total of $55 each way.
Wednesday, Christmas Eve - Monte and Bill went skiing in the morning. I slept in! After a little more wrangling over Christmas shopping the real fun started. We went to Bill's house for a traditional Danish Christmas celebration. Bill and Stephanie cooked all the traditional food (Yum - they do a nice job) and then we danced around the house holding hands and singing. (Picture Monte and I skipping and holding hands - okay stop laughing now.) Ben thought it was great fun. He laughed like crazy until the end when we all cheered and it scared him. We sang carols, read the story of the Savour's birth from the book of Luke, and then opened presents. All of my children and grandchildren were there. Thank you, Bill and Stephanie, for such a sweet memory.
Thursday, Christmas Day - LOTS of snow on the ground, coming down from the sky, and flying around. Our drive back to the hotel in Draper the previous night had been scary so we got up wondering if we were going to be able to make it to Bountiful to visit my dad. I pouted a little and Monte agreed to try it. It was the weirdest thing. By the time we got to Midvale the roads were clear and there was no snow falling! I can only conclude that God has a sense of humor and all that praying Monte had been doing for snow so he could ski had resulted in the snow falling down on our heads. The Christmas/Dad's Birthday celebration at my dad's house was as fun as always. We had an unexpected blessing. Monte and I showed up on time and were there nearly an hour before anyone else! We got first crack at the food (Yum again!) and sat and visited with Dad and Diane and Rian (my brother) until everyone else arrived. After lots of visiting and eating we opened presents. Diane, bless her, has encouraged my interest in family history. Last Christmas she and Dad gave me 2 bound copies of family history from Dad's side of the family. This year they had a packet of pictures to go with those books. I monopolized my dad for awhile to get him to give me names and details. After a brief rest back at the hotel, we went to see Bedtime Story with Brenda and Derek and the kids. It was cute and funny in fairly typical Adam Sandler fashion - without the crude humor that REALLY bugs me. Not stellar, but entertaining.
Friday - No skiing today. The snow had now covered the valley and the roads to the canyon were restricted. We slept in, putzed around, went to Provo for lunch with Bill, Steph & Ben. Then we putzed some more, took a nap, and went to PF Changs with a BUNCH of people. I invited Mike and Sue (long time family friends), Brenda, Derek, Xavey, Daevius, Anna, and Anna's friend Stan. PF Changs is my favorite, so of course I had a blast.
Saturday - Monte and Anna skied all day. I went to Provo again (to drop off forgotten presents) and then up to Bountiful (same reason). We went to dinner at Outback with Anna.
Fun trip. My only regret. I didn't see enough of Brenda and her family.
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