My brother, Billy, has taken some time off to spend with me. He dragged out every photo in the place, including framed ones, which I disassembled for the cause. I have rediscovered my own childhood and reconnected with the childhoods experienced by my siblings. My sister in law, owner of Lavish Floral, has been constructing beautiful flower arrangements nonstop for 3 days but did take time out for the tragic dog attack.
Mom has been my resident history expert. She knows who everyone is and can usually share a story or two about that person.
After staring at my computer screen for 2 days solid I got a craving for Swedish meatballs (Monte's family recipe). I also used my great grandmother's recipe to make some banana bread. Yum!
One of the pictures I encountered is this one of my daughter Brenda. Brenda is standing in the house we lived in on Bell Street in Winnemucca. She had a favorite joke. She would ask "Do you belong to the stomach club?" Then when you answered "no" she would grin big and hold out her hand and say, "Then turn in your belly button!!"
Sunday, Day 15 - Sacrament Meeting
I attended Sacrament meeting at the South Tahoe Chapel. Over the past 35 years since my baptism into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I have attended meetings in many different wards. What I find, as a truly shy person, is that I can always feel comfortable and welcome. One of the things our leaders and our beliefs teach us often is the infinite value of of each person and the importance of helping visitors feel welcome. This was (and was not) the case on this day. First, the routines are familiar, someone standing in the foyer greeting people, prelude music playing, agendas. This was the first Sunday of the month which is traditionally reserved as a Fast and Testimony meeting. What this means is the we abstain from food and water for 2 meals before this meeting (a fast) dedicating that observance for a specific cause. So, I came in and found the routines familiar and the faces friendly. Many people smiled and greeted me with a "good morning" but no one introduced themselves as would be usual when someone is a visitor. I was expecting a small ward, even a branch maybe, but the chapel filled to overflowing and the doors to the cultural hall had to be opened to accommodate the overflow. By the time the service started the cultural hall was half full. I sat wondering if this was a missionary farewell or some other special event for this ward, but my confusion was all cleared up when the first counselor started the meeting. He welcomed all visitors noting that looking out over the audience he estimated that at least 80% of the assembled were visitors! Wow!! The greatest part of this small experience was the affirmation that membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints can bring strangers together in fellowship without tension or discomfort but also that dedication to the covenants we have made with our Savior (the promise and necessity of partaking of the Sacrament) is not suspended for vacation time - being there was a pleasure not a duty or obligation.
1 comment:
Can't believe you posted the belly button picture. Lol!
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