One of the metaphors that is frequently used when discussing the intricacies of this life we live is that of a tapestry. Each event, goal, challenge, personality, and relationship is a thread woven together into a shining (or raveling) work of wonder. I propose that an equally poignant image of our experience on this earth may be represented by a quilt. The light and dark patches each making equal contributions to the whole. Beautiful vibrant colored special events creating highlighted windows framed by the everyday colors.

I have to start with yesterday's events. My sweet grandson Benjamin was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He covenanted with our Father in Heaven to keep the commandments and follow the example of the Savior. The service was short and very sweet. Despite the fact that it is sometimes difficult to tell what Ben understands, it was clear to me that he understood the promises he was making. There was so much joy in the event! My son, Bill, mentioned a couple of days ago that when we are striving toward an event of this magnitude, the adversary will try to waylay us. He has been extraordinarily busy, Stephanie (Ben's mom) has been feeling under the weather (and is expecting!!) See, one bright shining event surrounded by darker or mundane patches and stitched together with the continuous threads of faithful determination.

Likewise, after attending Ben's baptism we were able to attend a Graduation celebration for my neice and nephew, Wyatt and Willa - another shining benchmark. One vibrant spot that is the culmination of years of daily stitches. Stitches that can only be placed in the work one at a time, patiently, precisely, and with a willingness to remove those that are not up to the standard we want. If we want our lives to be the works of art God intends we will have to remove and restitch those pieces that are less than that.

Now for the rest of the story. The next few entries will be a chronicle of my "pioneer trek". I am discovering my family on both sides of the veil. My intent is to drive to Salt Lake City and surrounding areas to visit with relatives, scan old family photos, and record family stories. From there I will go to Wendover and then Lake Tahoe with the same mission. Today was the first day of that trek. In the meantime I am thoroughly enjoying the journey. The midwest, ie Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska are breathtakingly beautiful. I drove to Lincoln, Nebraska today and I stopped many times just to look - just because I can. I visited the International Quilt Study Center and Museum and waxed poetic ;-)
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