Okay, it's been way too long since my last blog and here is the reason. I have my little notebook that I write my thoughts in hoping to find the ultimate thing to blog about and it never surfaces. Then I find myself looking at a 4 week old blog thinking "It looks like I fell off the face of the earth" and so I just dive in and write something.. Well here's a synopsis of my life since March 28.
April 2 & 3 - I was sick as a dog. A belated gift from my grandson.. Thanks Ben! I promptly shared it with Monte. He still hasn't shaken it off. I'm perfectly healthy now though :p
April 4 - General Conference: We watched it at home on the satellite and had some company to watch with us. The Sorrels joined us. It was so much fun to have them at our house. Devin and Dillon are always entertaining. My prayers are with Mahna this weekend after her surgery.
April 9 & 10 - 2 days off work for Easter. We had the Welkers at our house for Easter. What a great time we had! They are like family to us, we hope they feel the same way. I made petit fours and Easter egg braid (bread) but I'm too lazy to post the pictures right now. The big surprise is that I made bread and it turned out! The Easter bunny brought me a basket full of chocolate, but I shared it with him so we are even.
April 14, 15, 21, & 22. We had MCA testing at both schools. I spent all day testing with basically no prep time. I had a substitute to teach my lessons for the first and second graders while I was testing 4th graders.
April 17th I had Kindergarten transition meetings (very short) and was completely stoked to have the rest of the half day to work on the multiple IEPs I am in the process of trying to write. It didn't happen. I stressed out major including losing sleep and you all know that I just never have insomnia. Spring has sprung and along with that comes the rush of last minute kids being identified for special ed services, teachers reaching their limits as we are faced with high stakes testing, and last preparation for summer. Along with that the kids and teachers alike always begin to be just a little more high strung as a long break from school approaches. Teachers have multiple deadlines and planning to do along with anticipation of the break. Kids often get anxious about the uncertainty of having a change in their routine. We tend to think about summer break as being wonderfully free but the reality is that it can actually be a stressful thing for kids. Especially if things are strained at home for any reason.
ALSO, I talked myself into working summer school again.
So, boring as it is, if this blog is simply my journal I've done my duty by it.
Local woman finishes last summer dress of 2024
6 months ago
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing what you've been up to. I feel the same way about my blog-I don't always think what I'm blogging about is very interesting, but sometimes you just do it for the sake of doing it.
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