Just a quick check in for anyone wondering if I've dropped off the face of the earth. Rumors of my untimely demise are greatly exaggerated. I had a rough weekend. By Thursday at 3:30 arthritis in my foot hurt so bad I couldn't put any weight on it and driving a manual transmission vehicle home was an adventure in torment but I made it. Friday I took the day off work and spent it in bed, contacting doctors and feeling sorry for myself. Saturday was a little better. Monte presented me with a big stick to lean on so I could get around the house a little bit. I've always wanted my very own wizard's staff. I'm keeping it - I can think of LOTS of uses for a big stick (a variety of quotes come to mind). We collaborated on the laundry. Monte did the hauling and I did the folding. I couldn't make it to church on Sunday - just couldn't walk that far and this makes the second Sunday in a row that RA has kept me from going to church. I hate that - I REALLY don't like to give myself an out; it is too easy for me to start making excuses and in the end I feel worse after missing a Sunday, but I really was in no shape. Monday I spent milking it a little because I didn't have to work anyway and I was happy for the extra day to baby myself. Clint and Serena came and cheered me up- bringing some really stellar cookies. The upside is that I have further proof from this that my husband is a gem. He cooks! He even cleaned and brought me stuff - and built a fire in the fireplace. What a lucky woman I am!! I'm pain free today - WooHoo! I'm still going to the doctor on Friday.
Jan, I'm so sorry. You'll be in our prayers...hope you continue to feel better!
Hope the doctor's appt goes well and that they can provide some options.
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