Awhile ago, I'm not sure how long since I wasn't actually listening to him, Monte told me he was purchasing season tickets to the Gopher's football games. The tickets came and we duly attended a game and lo and behold, they won! Last weekend he took our nephew, Wyatt, to the game. Wyatt had a blast. Today I got to go again and I have to say I had a blast too. Those of you who know me very well will probably be surprised by this. The truth is that I know very little about sports. I only understand the bare outlines of the rules and if someone I love wants to watch a sports event on the television I can't help sitting there thinking of how many other things I'd like to be doing. But an event live, a football or baseball game at the dome, or a baseball game featuring the Anoka LDS team, is a different matter entirely. I love the PEOPLE aspect. I get a charge out of the fans. I root for the local team as gleefully as any of them. Today at the Gopher game I saw it all. Lunatic fans with their faces painted posing and posturing for the cameras. Small children in Gopher regalia with no clue what was going on, but generally enjoying the mayhem. The couple sitting next to us were dressed up (for a football game) with jewelry, shoes shined, and creases in their slacks. They sat quietly just smiling and occasionally clapping, leaning toward each other sharing the experience while people around jumped out of their seats yelling, singing, clapping, waving their arms. The couple in front of them spent more time out of their seats than in them. Did anyone complain? Nope. We just watched on the monitors until the couple in front sat down again. They were so cute! They'd jump up and slap each other's hands in the air (what is that called a "high 10"?) anytime the Gophers gained yards, or scored, and then stand there cheering through the next play. Also, the dome is LOUD. There was the band and the cheering, the announcer "It's your M-i-n-n-e-s-o-t-a G-o-p-h-e-r-s . . . ophers . . . ophers!!" people eating and laughing. The place smells great! almost as good as the fair (at least most of the time) I'm a sucker for the smell of junk food . . and the lady next to me had nice perfume on, too. Note to self - go to more sporting events.
Jan, you are a great writer. Lots of great visual imagery. The gophers game sounds fun.
I've never been to a college sporting event. Based on your description it sounds like a lot of fun.
I love going to the games also to watch others and just enjoy the atmosphere! I always have a great time chating with you and cheering on our team during the softball season!
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