As the thunder rolls outside, I reviewed my progress this week and found that I have made some advances even as I did some backsliding. At some point I will talk about my job and the love hate relationship I have with it but at this point I'm feeling a need to chronicle my journey back to being the person I want to be. I have begun with a morning prayer, by myself and on my knees followed by a chapter from the Book of Mormon. It sounds more "righteous" than it is. I hit my knees as I slide out of bed, plead for motivation even as I recognize the amazing gifts I've been given, and then listen to the chapter of the book of Mormon as I fix a breakfast I don't want to eat. It's progress though. May is here, the sunshine has made the Minnesota world a lovely green place and that sunshine and new growth is creeping into other areas of my life as well.
Today was fast Sunday, a day when we abstain from food and drink for 24 hours. I didn't quite make it. I skipped 2 meals ;-0 Still hearing the testimonies in Sacrament meeting and reviewing my own as I taught my students about the power of the priesthood
So here is what is happening lately in the Monte & Jan Oelkers "Odd" yssey.
1. My sweet sister, Brenda Draper, died in January. I miss her, my heart is broken and her loss has demonstrated to me that life is too short. Knowing how often in the last few years I "didn't have time" to call her when I wanted to because of my job or trying to finish my thesis or whatever else I let be a priority just makes me feel angry - not helpful.
2. My Son, Bill, and his beautiful wife, Stephanie, and their children, Ben and Elodie, were sealed in the St. Paul Temple for time and all eternity the day after I returned from Brenda's funeral. It fills me with joy to know this. I am so proud of them all.
3. My sweet Mother in Law fell off a step ladder on the first day of spring break and broke her arm. I am grateful that I was able to be available to help her. It has strengthened out relationship. I hate to think of a broken arm as a blessing but there it is. She is currently on the mend. I was able to go fabric shopping with her yesterday and we had lunch at Acapulco. There's that ray of sunshine again.
3. I am planning to spend as much of the summer as I can in Utah and Nevada (Lake Tahoe). I want to gather photos and family stories before I am too late to do it.
There is SO much more. One step at a time.
Local woman finishes last summer dress of 2024
6 months ago