Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I'm missing out on some great blessings by not visiting this blog more often.  Today is Mother's Day, once again and I've had a very nice day despite my tendency to feel sorry for myself on Mother's Day.  My children are all "elsewhere".  Anna and Stan have moved to Tempe, AZ,  Brenda, Derek and Daevius have moved to Boulder, UT, and Bill, Stephanie, Ben & Elodie are still in Provo, UT.  No kids in my immediate vicinity to bring me an inedible breakfast in bed and invade my house for the day - SO I was feeling sorry for myself.  My sweet son (actually I suspect it was my daughter-in-law) sent me a mug with pictures of my grandchildren all over it. My husband cooked dinner, and Bill called me and we talked for an hour.  I took a nap in the afternoon.  Now I'm just hanging out for the rest of the day.  I called my moms yesterday, and everyone seems to be doing okay.  Life is good.

Now for a few of my thoughts, ramblings, etc about mothers.  The Smith's spoke in church today on the subject of mothers.  I really enjoyed their messages. It had me thinking (as the talks on Mother's Day usually do) about what kind of mother I have been and the mother's I have had in my life.  I remember wanting to be the best mother EVER.  (Not exactly an original goal - but worthy, I think)  I wasn't.  Every mother has things they would do differently if given the chance.  Every mother looks back at their own maternal parent with a mixture of critique and emulation and tries to choose the best of what she got and improve on the things that maybe did not go so well.  The trouble is that the critique portion of the program is taken on by an inexperienced blockhead.  My own mother had a boatload (sure glad I cleaned that up) of challenges when she was parenting me and I could probably spend some time talking about what went wrong but as I look back at my own successes and failures, I'm not sure the beam has been removed from my own eye enough to clearly see the mote in my mom's.  Here are the things my mother has done exceptionally well for me.  She convinced me that I was smart and capable.  She taught me that if I wanted to do something I would be able to do it - but I might have to be willing to get there on my own.  She showed me that people can fall down and make mistakes and can pick their lives up and move on.  Recently, my mother told me she was proud of the things I have accomplished.  What she missed is that the pure stubborn strength that has gotten me here (my hubby grumbles about my "Danish streak") really did come from her.  I love my mom, and I'm grateful for the things I have learned about love and humility as well as perseverance from her.  Thanks Mom.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Next up- President's Day

    It seems that it requires an additional day off work for me to get around to blogging again.  I'm currently beginning a 3 day weekend.  I stripped the beds, aired out the blankets, swept the floors, shook the rugs, and am on my 3rd load of laundry!  I still have a long list of things I need to get done this weekend but they will keep while I check in with myself (and anyone else who chooses to read this- thanks Nicole and Kristen).

A few notable events:

   Monte was released from the Young Men's presidency so we had one last Young Men's leadership Christmas dinner party.  Monte made his famous prime rib, we played games, laughed a lot, and basically gave closure to an era in our lives.  I can't help pausing to reminisce about some of the highlights.  Watching my husband lead, guide, teach, and love (I know it's not manly to admit it) those young men taught me a lot about who he really is.  I have a lasting image in my mind of him standing at the doors of the chapel overseeing the passing of the sacrament. He is proud of the young men who passed through our lives over the past 8 years.  They went camping together, in our backyard, to scout camps, and to the boundary waters.  They camped in cold weather as well as warm and built many bonfires in the firepit on our property. They went paintballing, skiing, sledding, hiking, canoeing, and bowling. And they served others together with Monte modeling how that is done. The young men have worked for and with Monte and we have watched them serve missions and start families with a sense of having contributed to the lives of some exceptional men.

We spent a weekend in Salt Lake:

   At the end of January, Monte went to Salt Lake for several days to paint for an old family friend.  I took a day off work and joined him on Friday. I arrived just in time to attend an IEP meeting for my grandson.  Derek, Brenda's husband, picked me up from the airport and we went from there to the meeting.  It was an experience to be "on the other side of the table" as it were.  I think the meeting went pretty well but it is especially difficult to have strong opinions about how his services should be provided and not have any real power to be sure that it happens that way.  They say doctors make the worst patients.  I think sped teachers are probably the worst people to have as parents or grandparents of  sped students.  I try not to be "that kind" of a grandma but can't help expressing my opinions.
   After the meeting we had dinner at P.F. Chang's (my absolute fave) It is wholly inadequate to say "it was really fun".  My general response is to want to look into my children's eyes and see how they are really doing, hug my grandchildren until they squeak and hog the baby.  All of these things I did with relish.  My parents all look older but basically well.  My children look well (sort of), happy, and overwhelmed with their busy lives.  My grandchildren are all the most beautiful, smartest, funniest children ever - all because of me.  My mom tried to take credit while we were at dinner.  I just smiled and didn't correct her;)
Left to right, Xavey, Dad, Diane, Derek at PF Chang's
   The next day Monte took Xavey and Daevius to breakfast at Denny's.  Daevius let his parents and I come along as well.  Daevius is especially fond of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon - Grandpa is fond of watching how much Daevius loves to go to breakfast.
Monte & ElodieVae 

Daevius and Monte at Denny's

Brenda and ElodieVae
Derek and Brenda
   After breakfast Monte and the kids went swimming at the hotel while Grandma and the parents (who all had colds) sat beside the pool and visited.

Grandpa and the kids - Splash!!

Ben wouldn't leave the steps but had a good time all the same.

Okay, when's lunch?

Bill wasn't feeling too well.  Xavey's hat looks good though.
   After swimming we picked up some Tai food and went to Bill and Stephanie's house.  While the younger kids napped we ate curry and talked and played Wii.  Xavey was especially good at the hula hoop.

Daevius with Grandma's I-touch
Xavey and her hat.