Finally – Christmas. I say it every year – that Christmas has just snuck up on me – but it was especially bad this year. We were unable to go to Utah to spend it with our children so I did not have the luxury of knowing I will have a shopping day before and no need to plan ahead so gifts could be mailed. I literally shopped on Christmas Eve. I sent digital gift cards, and then made some phone calls. (I know I’m SO bad) I vow, here and now, to do a better job next year. The thing is, despite the opportunity for this year to be depressing (since my heart is in Utah with the grandkids) it really wasn’t. My sister-in-law, Linda, came to dinner on Christmas Eve. We had a pleasant evening visiting. I slept in yesterday morning, then we puttered around together for the morning. We opened some gifts. Santa gave Monte a new mailbox! I’m SO excited about that. He gave me a Star Trek version of Scene It. And Bill & Stephanie gave me a boxed set of Star Trek movies!! He swears he and Santa were not in cahoots. Then we went and sat in the dark, ate popcorn, drank a bladder buster of soda and saw the movie True Grit. It was a good movie. I liked it as much as the original with John Wayne and that’s saying something. After that we went to lunch at Linda’s house and visited with Linda and Emmie and Bradley and Anna & Jeff. We finished off with a quiet evening at home. Great stuff.
Local woman finishes last summer dress of 2024
6 months ago