I can't believe the last update I wrote was in May. I told myself I'd have more time in the summer but the list of things I need to get done this summer is indeed long.
First, at the end of the school year Anoka-Hennepin School District closed 7 elementary schools. I was blessed (and darn lucky) to be retained in the same school I've worked at for the past 6 years. It did not mean, however, that we got off without upheaval. The second to last day of school was officially "moving day". If you were not personally moving into or out of a classroom you were assigned to go help someone who was. I had to move out of my classroom a week before that so that my classroom could undergo renovation to make it functional for the new Autism program moving in. On moving day I was required to move out of the temporary spot I'd gone to and into my "new" room for next year. The next day I spent the whole day trying to organize sped files that had been moved and discussing placement for sped kids for the coming year.
The day after the last day of school I got on a plane for Salt Lake City. My newest grandaughter, Elodie Vae Oelkers, had been born and I couldn't wait to hold her!
It was a really brief visit but lots of fun. We had a cookout at Anna and Stan's house and a potluck at Bill & Stephanie's, went to a movie with Mom, Derek, Xavey, and Daevius, and even had a visit at Dad & Diane's. I took lots of pictures which I have posted in my Mobile Me gallery.

Next, I taught summer school. I had 11 4th graders (10 boys and 1 girl) and was part of a pilot program using a specified curriculum. We worked really hard, but the kids were great fun. They were each so unique. I had one who hardly said a word until week three, then he decided I was okay and spent the next 3 weeks telling me all about himself. Then I had 2 who talked nonstop about anything and everything that was running through their heads. One of them was interested in Transformers so I got to hear all about "his universe" and how he doesn't really belong in this universe anyway. He did tell me, however, that I was the "Queen of this Universe" and he would do what I told him. (Which he mostly did, if given sufficient advance warning that I was going to expect something. The girl loved crafts of all kinds. She showed up for the first time the day before the 4th of July weekend and was REALLY good at the beadie buddy we were making for the occasion. She finished hers in record time and was able to help some of her classmates with theirs. We also had some additional visitors during our time at school.

This family of ducks was the third one to be moved out of the central courtyard. They were so cute!
A couple of days before the 4th of July, Scott and Sue and their son Marc came to stay. They brought Scott's friend Russ with them and the men did the usual round of golfing while Sue and I had a truly grand time making a large and complicated cake for the 4th of July Party. The cake was a hit and the party was a blast even if it did rain. It was a riot to watch all of the kids playing in the pools and on the slip and slid in the rain. The potato chips were all soggy, though.
Sue and my castle creation. Everything is edible except the foil flags on top and some foil in the top of the turrets. |
My friend (and sister) Sue hard at work. |